Monday, November 28, 2011

2 Oatmeal Recipes and the Ultimate Oatmeal Personality Quiz

This was originally published awhile ago. But I likes it!

The following quiz is intended to evaluate your level of affection for oatmeal. Using the provided key, assign each of your answers a numeric value. At the end, tally your score to discover the extent of your oatmeal fanaticism.


For every A answer, give yourself 4 points.
For every B answer, give yourself 3 points.
For every C answer, give yourself 2 points.
For every D answer, give yourself 1 point.


I eat oatmeal:
A) Everyday. Sometimes twice. Sometimes in the shower.
B) Weekly. It’s okay for breakfast on the go.
C) Monthly. When I’m out of Froot Loops and bologna.
D) Never. It killed my dog.

My oatmeal comes from:
A) The farm. I harvest it myself, with the oatmeal scythe I received for Christmas.
B) A cardboard can. I make puppets from it when it’s empty!
C) A 3-year-old packet at the bottom of my pantry, under the Windex.
D) People intentionally trying to piss me off.

My favorite kind of sweet oatmeal includes:
A) Fresh pumpkin puree, toasted walnut bits, and a dash of the finest cardamom.
B) Honey, peanut butter, and bananas. I call it “The Elvis.”
C) Rehydrated apples and cinnamon that can be carbon dated.
D) The sweet oatmeal of death.

Gingersnap Oatmeal from Kitschen Bitsch (which I, Kris, have now eaten everyday for a week) sounds:
A) Like the second coming.
B) Like coffee with Angela Lansbury: melodic and educational.
C) Like it’d taste better in a cookie.
D) Like I’d rather have my tongue grated with a microplane zester.

At first, savory oatmeal sounds:
A) Delicious! I dated a bowl of it from 2002 to 2005.
B) Like interpretive kayaking: strange, but I’m willing to give it a shot.
C) Like a science experiment. Nice try, Carl Sagan.
D) Like being kicked in the esophagus.

Consequently, I’d equate Mark Bittman’s Oatmeal with Soy Sauce and Scallions with:
A) A month-long orgasm.
B) A Sandra Bullock movie; probably better than it has any right to be.
C) Cleaning the house with your mother before guests come over; traumatic, with the ultimate possibility of understanding.
D) Being forced to work in a gulag.


0 TO 6 POINTS: you are an oatmeal hater and honestly, a bit of a drama queen. You’d rather have your tongue scraped off than have a delicious breakfast? There is an MTV reality show in your future.

7 TO 12 POINTS: you are an oatmeal ambivalent. Once, in 2007, you bought a giant box of Quaker packets from CostCo, thinking they'd be great to take to the office. You ate the banana bread ones first. The plain ones are still in your pantry. You will end up donating them to charity.

13 TO 18 POINTS: you are an oatmeal enthusiast. Your relationship with oatmeal is quite healthy. Also, people like you and small animals feel comfortable landing on your shoulder. You should consider a career on Broadway.

19 TO 24 POINTS: you are an oatmeal extremist. Your love for oatmeal is all encompassing, and your family and friends fear for your sanity. To avoid being committed, eat eggs for a week straight. Should that fail, a straitjacket would not be out of place.

If you like these recipes, you might also like:

Gingersnap Oatmeal
Serves 1
Adapted from Kitschen Bitsch.

1/2 cup Quaker old-fashioned oatmeal
1/2 cup skim milk
1/4 cup water
1 tablespoon molasses
A few shakes ground ginger
A few shakes ground cinnamon
A pinch ground cloves
A dash vanilla extract
A few dashes Kosher salt

In a small pot, heat oatmeal, skim milk, and water over medium heat. As oatmeal mixture is warming, add all the other ingredients. Stir thoroughly to combine. Let cook until most of the liquid is absorbed, and the oatmeal reaches … y’know … an oatmealy consistency. Serve warm.

Approximate Calories, Fat, Fiber, and Price Per Serving
253 calories, 3.4 g fat, 4 g fiber, $0.45


Oatmeal with Soy Sauce, Sesame Oil, and Scallions
Serves 1.
Adapted from Mark Bittman.

1/2 cup Quaker old-fashioned oatmeal
1 cup water
2 teaspoons soy sauce
1 small scallion, thinly sliced
1/2 teaspoon toasted sesame oil

In a small pot, heat oatmeal and water over medium heat. As oatmeal mixture is warming, add soy sauce and about 1 tablespoon of scallions. Stir thoroughly to combine. Let cook until most of the liquid is absorbed, and the oatmeal reaches … y’know … an oatmealy consistency. Spoon into a bowl and drizzle sesame oil on top. Serve warm, with a few raw scallion slivers on top.

Approximate Calories, Fat, Fiber, and Price Per Serving
178 calories, 5.5 g fat, $0.32


Calculations (Gingersnap Oatmeal)
1/2 cup Quaker old-fashioned oatmeal: 150 calories, 3 g fat, 4 g fiber, $0.15
1/2 cup skim milk: 45 calories, 0.4 g fat, 0 g fiber, $0.11
1/4 cup water: negligible calories, fat, and fiber, $0.00
1 tablespoon molasses: 58 calories, 0 g fat, 0 g fiber, $0.13
A few shakes ground ginger: negligible calories, fat, and fiber, $0.01
A few shakes ground cinnamon: negligible calories, fat, and fiber, $0.01
A pinch ground cloves: negligible calories, fat, and fiber, $0.01
A dash vanilla extract: negligible calories, fat, and fiber, $0.02
A few dashes Kosher salt: negligible calories, fat, and fiber, $0.01
TOTAL/PER SERVING: 253 calories, 3.4 g fat, 4 g fiber, $0.45

Calculations (Oatmeal with Soy Sauce, Sesame Oil, and Scallions)
1/2 cup Quaker old-fashioned oatmeal: 150 calories, 3 g fat, 4 g fiber, $0.15
1 cup water: negligible calories, fat, and fiber, $0.00
1 small scallion: 2 calories, 0 g fat, 0.1 g fiber $0.08
2 teaspoons soy sauce: 6 calories, 0 g fat, 0.1 g fiber, $0.07
1/2 teaspoon toasted sesame oil: 20 calories, 2.3 g fat, 0 g fiber, $0.02
TOTAL/PER SERVING: 178 calories, 5.5 g fat, $0.32

3 Factors Affected to Sexual Health

3 Factors Affected to Sexual Health - Level of sexual performance of each individual are generally different. Many things can affect, one of which is the lifestyle factors that are less good.

Bad lifestyle will make sexual performance to decrease. But on the contrary, maintaining physical and mental health through regular exercise, balanced diet and live a life without stress can actually help solve problems and improve sexual.
A health practitioner who is also a corporate trainer health, dr Phaidon Lumban Toruan, say, in terms of physiological, sexual fitness level of individuals, especially men, is strongly influenced three things. These three factors, namely the quality of blood vessels, levels of sex hormones, and muscle strength, plays an important role in determining the performance of Adam in the bed.

1. Vascular net

Clean blood vessels are closely related to one's erection capability. Phaidon said, a man can get an erection when arterial circulation or blood vessels good.

"If you do not clean the blood vessels and circulation is not true, then he can not erect," says Phaidon in a workshop entitled "Anti-Aging Lifestyle" Sunday (27/11/2011) in Jakarta.

Ways to maintain healthy blood vessels is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. To maintain sexual fitness, men have regular exercise, adequate intake of fiber (fruits and vegetables), avoid obesity or overweight, stay away from fatty foods and quit smoking.

2. The hormone testosterone is optimal

Many men do not realize that the levels of testosterone in his body should be consciously maintained. One effective way, said Phaidon, is to regularly eat healthy foods high in fat content.

If you want to choose the fat, then the best option is a source of unsaturated fats, unsaturated fats are single, or double. "Eat healthy fats is one way to make testosterone to optimal," said Phaidon.

Another thing to consider is to reduce the intake of bad fats. The problem is, this fat can influence the formation of the hormone estrogen that too many. If the hormone estrogen is too high, says Phaidon, then the function will decrease testosterone. If so, then it can affect the low levels of libido or sexual desire in a man.

In principle, according to Phaidon, there are two ways to address the low levels of sex hormones in men. "First, stimulated with weight training. Secondly, the provision of natural nutrients that can increase testosterone," he explained.

3. Strong muscles

Sexual activity, continued Phaidon, it makes no difference to the sport. Required strong muscles and breath to have sex with a partner running optimally. Weak physical condition would make sexual activity to be obstructed and be not optimal.

22 brands of coffee mixed with hazardous drugs

22 brands of coffee mixed with hazardous drugs
From the results of sampling conducted Agency for Drugs and Foods to 56 coffee products in the packaging, was found 22 products that tested positive for Drug Chemicals.
The following are 22 brands of coffee are positive for the chemical. In the coffee-coffee, there is a positive active substance mixed with Viagra which is sildenafil, the active substance or cialis drug that called by tadalafil:

1. 39 Sa Kao 3 in 1 Coffee Mix Plus ginger extract
(health department of RI PIRT No. 210317594151/city north Jakarta)

2. 39 Sa Kao coffee Mix Ginseng Korea 3 in 1 (PIRT 210317505151/Kota Jakarta Utara)

3. Bel-Bel Kopi Susu Extra (PT. Mandala Cahaya Sentosa/PIRT 610331502001)

4. Black Borneo Platinum Coffee (PT Victoabel Food Industry/P-IRT 6103515401564)

5. Dream Coffee (PT. Mandala Cahaya Sentosa – Sidoarjo/PIRT 6103515271564), ( PT. International Green Natural, P-IRT 6103515271564), PIRT. 6103515271564 Kab. Sidoarjo)

6. Dynamic Coffee/Dynamic Coffee Nusantara/Dynamic Tribulus Coffee (PT. Daya Dinamika Nusantara, PIRT 210360301411), (PT. Daya Dinamika Nusantara, PIRT 210360301411), (PT Aimfood Indonesia, PIRT 210360301411), (PT Aimfood Indonesia, PIRT 210360301309), PT. Daya Dinamika Nusantara, PIRT 210360301411)

7. Golden Life (P-IRT 6103515121399 Kab. Sidoarjo)

8. Good Coffee Premium/Good Coffee (PT. Putra Gudti Indonesia PIRT No. 6103271011147 Kota Bogor), (CV. Bin Halim untuk PT. Putra PIRT. 6103271011147, Kota Bogor), (PT. Putra Gudti Indonesia, PIRT No. 6103271011147, Kota Bogor)

9. Herba Max Coffee (Distributor PT Solusky P-IRT 6103515311564 Kab. Sidoarjo)

10. Jahe Mix Barokah (PIRT 213317518151 Kota Jakarta Utara)

11. Jomoon Instan Coffee (Green Nirmala PIRT. 6103515131399 Kab. Sidoarjo), (PT. Green Nirmala - Sidoarjo PIRT. 610351531399 Kab. Sidoarjo)

12. Joss-Fly Coffee Plus Panax Ginseng (PT. Mandala Cahaya Sentosa PIRT 610331502001 Kab. Grobogan)

13. Kopi Cleng - Sehat, Nikmat, Berstamina (CV. Jamu Moro Sehat, Banjarnegara, Depkes RI TR 147/11-10/2005)

14. Kopi KPH/Kopi Kuat (PIRT. 6103515331564 Kab. Sidoarjo)

15. Kopi Mahabbah (Depkes RI PIRT No. 6103515321564 Kab. Sidoarjo), PT. Mandala CS P-IRT No 6103515321564 Kab. Sidoarjo), (Mahabbah Group P-IRT No 6103515321564 Kab. Sidoarjo), (Mahabbah Group PIRT No. 6103515321564 Kab. Sidoarjo),

16. Kopi Pasutri (Al Jazira Herbal, Bekasi PIRT 610351533564 Kab. Sidoarjo)

17. Kopi Strong 234 (PT. Hamiegi Bandung PIRT. 81032730203771 Kota Bandung)

18. Maca-Tekh (PT. Wootekh Jakarta Indonesia PIRT 210360303411)

19. Matador Coffee

20. Mawaddah Coffee (PIRT. 212320207429 Kab. Sukabumi)

21. On Coffee

22. Premium Energy Coffee (Dinkes PIRT No. 210360314309 Kab. Tangerang)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

38 Cheap, Healthy Recipes for Thanksgiving Leftovers

This post was originally published in November 2008. Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!

Every year, I suspend my healthy diet for one heralded November day. No, not Election Day, during which I’m usually too queasy to eat – but that most glorious of bird-based holidays, Thanksgiving.

Then, 24 hours later, I enter an equally magical shame spiral, since I’ve just consumed enough calories to keep me alive for eight years without ever having to eat again.

This year, I’m going to desperately try to avoid all that, hopefully by using at least 25 of the following 38 inexpensive, frugal leftover recipes. (Well … okay, 24.) I found them via a thorough, highly scientific search-and-paste process, not unlike previous Beef, Party Food, and Salad Dressing searches. In this case, here’s what determined a dish’s appearance on the list:
  • As always, if the recipe comes from an aggregate site, the reviews must come in at 80% approval or above, or have no reviews at all (in which case, they must look really, really good).
  • It was a little difficult to find low-fat recipes, since stuffing and mashed potatoes aren’t exactly health foods (meaning: they don’t miraculously lose their calories on Black Friday). So, I attempted to keep each recipe NWR, or Nutritious Within Reason. There’s little added butter, oil, dairy, lard, mayo, or canned soup in each dish.
  • If possible, I included notes about lightening the dish under each title.
  • As for price, there aren’t any exotic ingredients included, so costs should be pretty low. Caveat: you might have to purchase a little ginger or a bunch of green onions or something.
  • There is no Turkey Tetrazzini. Because I hate it. Muahahahahahaha!
Readers, if you have suggestions, I love to hear. In the meantime, happy Thanksgiving!

All Recipes: Apple Curry Turkey Pita
Use low-fat yogurt in place of regular to cut fat and calories.

All Recipes: Hearty Turkey Soup with Parsley Dumplings

All Recipes: Southwestern Turkey Soup

Bon Appetit: Asian Turkey-Noodle Soup with Ginger and Chiles

Bon Appetit: Cranberry Citrus Sorbet
This sounds AWESOME.

Bon Appetit: Pork Chops with Cranberry Port and Rosemary Sauce

CHG: Leftover Turkey Stew

CHG: Turkey Chili
Use turkey bits instead of ground turkey, add to pot with tomatoes

CHG: Turkey Noodle Soup
Sub in cooked turkey for chicken.

CHG: Turkey With Shallot Apricot Sauce
Sub in turkey for chicken, and use leftover warmed turkey

Chow: Turkey Pad See Ew
A little high in fat, but delicious-sounding just the same.

Confessions of a Stay-at-Home Mom: Thanksgiving Leftover Casserole (scroll down)
Sub in fat-free evaporated milk and make sure you use 2% cheddar.

Confessions of a Stay-at-Home Mom: Turkey Stock

Cooking Light: Cold Soba Noodles with Turkey

Cooking Light: Fiery Turkey-Pâté Crostini

Cooking Light: Turkey Pizza

Cooking Light: White Turkey Chili

Epicurious: Turkey Burritos with Salsa and Cilantro

Epicurious: Turkey and Sweet Potato Sandwich

Fabulous Foods: Turkey Pasties

Fine Cooking: Turkey Soup with Ginger, Lemon, and Mint

Fine Cooking: Turkey and Sweet Potato Hash

Fine Cooking: Turkey Tortilla Soup

Food Network/Cathy Lowe: Turkey Soup with Rice

Food Network/Cathy Lowe: Turkey Stuffed Peppers

Food Network/Emeril Lagasse: Turkey and Vegetable Soup

Food Network/Michael Chiarella: Next Day Turkey Soup

Food Network/Ocean Spray: Smoked Turkey and Cranberry Gourmet Pizza

Food Network/Rachael Ray: Turkey Corn Chili

Food Network/Rachael Ray: Turkey and Stuffin’ Soup
Frankly, the picture kind of squicked me out here. But the reviewers (and there are quite a few) seem to LOVE it, so go nuts.

Food Network/Robin Miller: Turkey Soup with Egg Noodles and Vegetables
Looks like a good, quick recipe. Very well rated.

Food Network/Sunny Anderson: Second Day Turkey and String Bean Pot Pies

The Oregonian: Soba Noodle Salad With Cranberries and Apple

The Oregonian: Turkey Picadillo

The Oregonian: Turkey, White Bean, and Escarole Soup

Seattle Times: Chili-Rubbed Turkey Sandwich With Red Onion Salsa

St. Louis Eats: Nigella Lawson’s Vietnamese Turkey Salad

Wise Bread: Turkey and Stuffing Casserole


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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Heat Temperature cause Dehydration

Heat Temperature cause Dehydration - The high air temperature during the dry season recently resulted in mild dehydration, until being dehydrated.

Disease Control Section Chief Medical Officer of Banten province, Dendi, expressed it when contacted on Monday (9/26/2011).

"Residents to drink plenty of water and wear clothes with materials that easily absorb sweat," said Dendi.

According to the Dendi, although a small percentage, in the dry season sometimes come from the sting of sun stroke patients, particularly from the age of 50 years.

In this dry season residents are also asked to guard against upper respiratory tract infections and diarrhea.

Still Hydrated During Exercise

Still hydrated during exercise - Did you know that a simple way to increase endurance during exercise is to consume enough fluids. According to experts dehydration will reduce the volume of blood pumped to the heart. This condition will eventually lead to a reduced number of oxygen to the muscles resulting in premature fatigue.

So, how to know if our bodies are dehydrated? The main sign is often feel thirsty or dry mouth. Here are some tips to keep your body hydrated when exercising.

Stay hydrated before exercise

You do not have drinking water before you start exercising. Because, if you drink too much fluid (water or sports drinks) before physical activity can cause bloating and cramping. In general, the athletes are recommended to drink three liters of water every day, even on holidays. He also said, in this way can be adopted for those who are always active.

Stay hydrated during exercise

When doing exercise, you will lose fluid through sweat and respiration. Therefore one must keep drinking water during exercise to replace lost fluids. Each individual should drink at least one cup (250 ml) for every 15 minute workout.

When transpiration is very much, there are a lot of carbohydrate drinks with sugar to fill the glycogen and electrolyte beverages with sodium and potassium, which helps the body stay hydrated and improve muscle function.

Staying hydrated after exercise

After doing heavy exercise you are required to keep drinking water. If you do weight-bearing exercises, consider adding protein powder to water or carbohydrate drinks. This may help muscle and protein synthesis. Post-exercise protein intake will help to restore muscle. These needs can be obtained from fish or chicken.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Pornography is Damaging Male Libido

Pornography is Damaging Male Libido | This is a warning for men who were enamored of pornography. Recent studies show, or watch habits accessing porn sites at a young age it can be very detrimental to the sexual life in adulthood.

The latest report of the experts who are members of the Italian Society of Andrology and Sexual Medicine stated, many men who have accessed pornography from an early age (around age 14) experiencing libido disorder at the age of 20. They are addicted to pornography every day so that decreased sexual desire, even up to not be able to erect.
Like the Italian news agency ANSA reported, this conclusion is based on the results of studies involving 28 000 respondents. According to experts, disorders experienced by these men can be categorized as sexual anorexia.

In the eyes of counselors and psychologists Marnia Robinson, author of Cupid's Poisoned Arrow: From Habits to Harmony in Sexual Relationships, the phenomenon of men addicted to pornography is not new.

According to him, not a few men are currently experiencing problems libido because it was caught in pornography. Robinson, who along with her husband Gary Wilson make the site, states, this phenomenon can be seen from hundreds of discussion threads on the site where The access from 25 countries acknowledged having sexual problems and symptoms of this disorder.

"Many young people today grow up with access to high speed internet pornography. Survey (in Italian) This fits with what we have monitored for years that these men experiencing symptoms of addiction," Robinson said.

This fact, according to the American Society of Addiction Medicine, has placed pornography become as one of the triggers of addiction that needs to be addressed. In the definition of which was released in April mentioned, any behavior that are rewarded or reward and is not limited to goods can lead to addiction or addiction, including "sexual activity".

"This is what we call the process of addiction," said David Smith, MD, former president of the American Society of Addiction Medicine and author of Your Brain unchain.

"The evidence shows, you can become addicted to dopamine. Behavior such as pornography, eating or gambling dopamine release and all of these hormones can lead to addiction. That is why we include it in the new definition," explained Smith.

According to Wilson, the Internet will make access to pornography has become very easy, making it easier to connect the brain with a kind of visual stimulus. This new kind of pornography will accelerate spending hormone dopamine, but also can cause a person dependent and unable to achieve satisfaction.

"Therefore, when they're in bed with a partner with the dark lighting conditions, they will not get a visual stimulus that they need so that can not do it," said Robinson.

However, this sexual disorder can still be addressed through therapy. According to Robinson, the time to cure anorexia sexual on each individual varies.

"For adult men take about eight weeks for healing therapies. But for young man, at the age of 20 who are addicted to pornography it takes 3 to 4 months because they are not connected with a real touch of pairs and when they were young," he said.

Natural Food Triggers Sex Passion

Natural Food Triggers Sex Passion - Long before he discovered a passion enhancing drugs like Viagra and the like, human history records several types of food and beverages are believed to boost sex drive, ie, asparagus, coffee, ginseng, and others. In fact, there are snacks arousal enhancer to try.

Ritual sex is a good time for all couples. A peck on the lips or a little sweep neck is enough to burn libodo or passion for sex. However, when it is so routine, it could be going up the various comments.

If it were so, all couples would need to be more creative to explore the power of imagination. Trying different styles Kamasutra style sex can be very challenging and exciting. Maybe it's a solution that can be selected.
There is a much simpler but no less powerful effect, ie, some type of food or drinks that can boost sexual arousal. Asparagus, red pepper, chocolate, coffee, ginkgo, ginseng, and oysters is believed to be a natural Viagra to increase the rate of arousal and libido. Here's Natural Food Triggers Sex Passion

1. Asparagus

This special vegetable vitamin E proved as a potential supplier. Vitamin E is often associated with increased sexual hormone production. Besides processed into a variety of delicious cuisine, asparagus also has a very good nutrient content. In addition to vitamin E, asparagus also contains minerals, calcium, potassium, and vitamins A and D.

The best way to cook asparagus is to steam it for flavor and vitamins are not lost. Be careful, do not cook too long so it was not turned bitter. Before cooking, wash first under running water, then break the bottom is hard.

2. Cayenne pepper

Could be red chili flavor is a fitting analogy to describe the libido that is always lit or hot. Rich with content of capsaicin, the chemical that can/enable provide a positive stimulus to the nerve work, so as to increase blood flow and reduce labor pain in the joints.

3. Chocolate

It has long been identified as a chocolate snack that can increase arousal and libido, both men and women. The reason is that chocolate contains phenylethylamine, a natural compound adrenal antidepressants and stimulants are often called the "love molecule '.

4. Coffee

Everyone knows, real coffee contains caffeine high. The use of a limited number (no more than two cups a day) of caffeine is also associated with sexual excitement and energy. Researchers from Southwestern University, Texas, USA, revealed that coffee can boost female libido. To benefit, you do not need to be a coffee addict. For some people who can not stand the effects of caffeine of coffee, it is advisable to choose the coffee types cappuccino or mocha. If you like, add a little milk or honey.

5. Ginkgo

Herbaceous this one is very popular and is often associated with its ability to improve memory. In particular in the life of sex, ginkgo works as an antidepressant or make so relaxed. Ginkgo has ability to increase blood flow to help maintain an erection is perfect. According to the Journal of Sex Education and Therapy, a study involving a number of impotent men showed that consumption of ginkgo biloba showed positive effects after six weeks. After six months, half of respondents get their erections back. In general, the use of ginkgo extract in the form of a mixture of materials to be used as beverage warmers or other ingredients. Extracts of ginkgo can be obtained at drug stores traditional and sines.

6. Ginseng

Almost the same as ginkgo, ginger herb is a tonic for the body to produce nitric oxide, a key compound in the process of erection. There are three types of ginseng, is Chinese or Korean ginseng, called Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng) American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) and Siberian ginseng (E. senicosus). The Chinese believe, ginseng merit increase immunity, increase sexual arousal, brain function, increase energy, vitality, and stamina. Ginseng also facilitate the flow of blood circulation. Ginseng tea is available in a form that can be taken with milk, sugar, honey, or a mixture of juice.

7. Oyster

This is the type of seafood (seafood) are worth mentioning exciting or sensual snack snacks. Among the general public, the oyster has long been known as a male libido enhancer. High content of tin that can improve sperm production and male hormone testosterone in the body. Not only that, oysters also contain dopamine, a hormone which will encourage sexual satisfaction.

How to cook: wash and clean the shells of oysters of various impurities in the water flow. Remove it and place it on ice. If you prefer, could spark a little lemon juice. Oysters are also ready to be enjoyed. If you do not like in the raw form, can be boiled or steamed oysters.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Cure Diabetes Totally Naturally

Cure Diabetes Totally Naturally| In society and in medical school has always played with the view that diabetes is a disease that can not be completely cured. People with diabetes will receive medication or insulin injections for the rest of their lives and if there is a gangrenous wounds (wounds that can not be dry rot), too long will get surgery for the leg or arm amputees who suffer the gangrene. Is there a solution that could cure diabetes in total?

Of course there are, With a holistic medical treatment technique that utilizes the natural, people with diabetes can be cured TOTAL naturally even without side effects. For more details, let us consider three examples cited testimony from Poster and other sources.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Bird Flu Disease and Red Fruit

Bird flu or Avian disease is a disease affecting the poultry.

Symptoms of birds affected by bird flu are high fever and lead to death.

The medicine to cure this disease, the vaccine has actually been found that the AI ​​(Avian Influenza).
When this disease attacks the poultry industry, it will be fatal, because of all poultry farms are in all of them will be infected.

In addition to Al vaccines for the treatment of the disease, a lecturer from the University of Papua Cendrawasih namely: Dr. Made Budi, MS, has been entered into trials through sari "Red Fruit" in the treatment of bird flu and the results are quite satisfactory, from 20 chickens affected by bird flu 19 tail experience healing, and only one tail is dead.

The characteristics of the Red Fruit juice concoction of Dr.. Made Budi MS ie, does not smell acidic, neutral aroma, dark color (red), water content of zero (0), sediment pasta zero, the number of high iodine and peroxide value of zero (0) to 0.5. Boiling point lower red juice.

Unexpected Places Favorites Bacteria

Due to the microscopic size, germs and bacteria can not we see, touch, or smell it. However, as clean as any of an object visible, it is certain that the object was filled with bacteria, including on the surface of our skin. In fact, there are bacteria everywhere. Pay attention to unexpected places following, the places that became a favorite of bacteria.

Restaurant menu

Maybe you think your hands clean enough to sit at the table before the restaurant. However, if your hands are washed when food is served at your table? It is important that restaurant menus contain lots of germs because of the many hands that had touched.

Cosmetics bag

If you are not someone who likes to share cosmetics with another person, then the amount of bacteria that inhabit your cosmetics will be minimal. Like others, if you often exchange tools cosmetic with others. That's why, make it a habit to wash your hands before applying cosmetics to your face.

Monday, November 14, 2011

For Those About to Gestate, We Salute You

“Aw, look. You’re having a Hellboy.” – our friend Chad
There comes a time in a young-ish married lady’s life when she looks at her husband and has to make a choice, to a) beat him in Scrabble, b) mold his beard into funny shapes, or c) do it. And sometimes, choosing “c” results in being 12 days late with her ladytime, taking four negative pregnancy tests followed by a fifth positive one, and then gaining 400 pounds, roughly half of which is fetus and its accompanying goo. (Note: The other half is burgers and lemonade.)

Which is to say, I’m knocked up. (Due on Cinco de Mayo! Break out the virgin margaritas.)

Yay! Husband and I and ESPECIALLY OUR PARENTS are thrilled with this development, as it means our familial line will continue for at least another generation, or in nerd terms, through iPhone57G. We look forward to all the cuteness and wonder and giggles and poop, which we've been assured there will be lots of. In fact, we’re even looking forward to the inevitable moment when the baby pukes into our open mouths, which, if friends and family on Facebook are to be believed, happens alarmingly often.

And while we're over the moon, I gotta tell you guys – pregnancy is kind of funky.

Don’t get me wrong - the prospect of introducing a new human to the wonders of Pixar and brownies is dumbfounding in its awesomeness. But my first trimester was a little rough. Meaning: I did not take the Barftrain all the way to Vomitville, but I did make a month-long stop in Queasytown. (Motto: “Where you always feel like s**t.”)

There was a span of about two weeks during which I slept negligibly, ate weirdly, and cooked nothing – not a slice of toast, not a bowl of cereal, not liver with fava beans with a nice Chanti. We subsided mainly on Chipotle and the kindness of passing Chinese takeout delivery boys, who, as it turns out, prefer to be paid for their troubles. My diet was neither cheap, nor healthy, nor particularly good, unless you count the burgers. And there were many.

It’s Month #4 now, and the nausea has finally begun to subside. I’m cooking again, and my appetite has returned with all its friends and relatives. According to the medical books (a.k.a. Manuals of Horror) I've read, the rest of my pregnancy should proceed thusly:

Month 1: Sore bosom
Month 2: Fatigue
Month 3: Nausea
Month 4: Raging indigestion
Month 5: Pregnancy … thing … bus … uh, brain
Month 6: Carpal Tunnel Body
Month 7: Hormone conflagration
Month 8: Beatlemania
Month 9: Gigantism
Month 10: Pass a human through my nethers

I'm looking forward to it - the pregnancy, the birth, and especially the whole "raising a child" part. Because I've tried to teach the cat how to read, and he's just not getting it.

In the meantime, I'll blog when I can, hopefully regarding food. And if y'all have any suggestions? I'm all ears. And abdomen.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Beware of Dengue Fever Deases

Disease "Dengue Fever" - The rainy season is a time that is very susceptible to the development of mosquitoes, especially Aedes mosquitoes causing dengue Aegity. So, be careful with your health.

Today, dengue fever is still one major health problem in Indonesia which are endemic and occur throughout the year along with epidemics every 5 years with the trend of the epidemic attack interval becomes irregular.

For clinic mendiagnosia DBD, guidelines used are compiled WHO:

Clinical symptoms dengue fever:

1. High fever is acute.

2. Presence of bleeding manifestations (at least niquet tour-positive test)

3. hepatomegaly

4. shock

Laboratory Test Results:

1. Thrombocytopenia (? 100.000/uL).

2. Hemoconcentration (hematocrit rise? 20% above the average hematocrit value of the population by age and sex).

For our prudence, immediately to the hospital doctor to immediately get help, because dengue is usually very fast cycles and we are usually unaware.

At the time of epidemic sufferers often become frantic and forced to be hospitalized so that inpatient facilities in hospitals do not meet the need/desire the patient to be hospitalized, under these circumstances the only people who really need supervision in the hospital are cared for.

Read also Tips to prevent dengue fever

Smoking | Bad effects of smoking

Smoking, Why do you smoke | Some people who have really addicted to cigarettes will ignore the effects that will result from smoking. Sometimes people say rather not eat than not smoke why. due to narcotic effects of nicotine contained in cigarettes has given a considerable effect on the body condition of people who smoke.

There are many reasons why smoke dangerous for your own health and the health of your family, if you have the habit. The reasons are (bad effect of smoking):

1. Cancer
Smoking increases the risk of cancer in the lungs and lips. The more you smoke, the greater the likelihood you die from cancer. Spare yourself not to get one of these diseases, because if you already have cancer, then the possibility of recovery is less.

2. Bronchitis

Smoking habits also will menyembabkan diseases that are harmful to the lungs including chronic bronchitis and emphysema and can cause death in people who suffer from this condition or suffer from asthma.

3. Gastric ulcers

With the smoking habit, this will also lead to diseases of the stomach (gastric ulcers) or it will aggravate the already suffering from the disease.


The children of parents who smoke are more often suffer from pneumonia and other respiratory illnesses compared with children whose parents do not smoke.


The most dangerous smoking is to increase your chances of suffering or dying from heart disease or cerebrovascular disease.

6. Infant Growth

In addition to cause disease in smokers, these habits will affect the babies conceived or born of a mother who has a habit of smoking. Growth of infants born to mothers who smoke will be smaller and will grow more slowly than in infants whose mothers did not smoke.

7. The Bad Examples

If we as parents, teachers or health workers do not give a bad example to our children, our students and the community by the habit of smoking. With the habit of smoking to our children, our students and the community will see the behavior of people who become teachers or peers and consequently, they will go smoke.

8. Economy

Smoking habits would need money to buy it and the result would be a waste of money for useless things. Apparently the money used to buy cigarettes does not mean, but if the collected amount will be many. In developing countries more money spent on people to buy tobacco. If the money used to buy tobacco used to buy food, then the kids and the whole family will be healthier.

Looking at bad effect of smoking should we as a society that already know the meaning of health, can avoid it, not until we feel regret after getting the effects of the disease that is not good.

Read this post also smoker dont have health insurance

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Playing in the Mud Make Children be Smart

Playing in mud Make Children be Smart - Most parents usually will worry if you see their child playing in the mud. But those concerns seem to be reduced because recent studies have found that playing in the mud can make children smarter.
There is good news for parents who are often worried about the cleanliness of their children, especially because children love to play dirty in the mud. Researchers from Kidsafe NSW Playground Advisory Unit found that playing in the mud can make children smarter.

The study shows the positive side of soil bacteria that can be inhaled when children play in mud. Researchers say that: dirt Mycobacterium vaccae bacteria which many in the mud can navigate "complex maze" in the brain up to two times faster.

Paracetamol Risk in Children | Drug World

Paracetamol Risk in Children - Be careful to give the drug down the heat in children. One of them is paracetamol, because recent research proves this drug may increase the risk of asthma and allergies.

Not known exactly what causes it, the researchers still have to conduct clinical trials to make sure. Researchers also do not know exactly how many doses can cause such side effects.
However, an association between paracetamol to asthma risk has been proven by experts from the University of Otago, Wellington. To disclose it, the experts observed 505 infants and 914 children aged 5-6 years.

This study reveals, the use of paracetamol in infants aged less than 15 months may increase the risk of asthma up to 2-fold. While at the age of 6 years, paracetamol increases the risk of allergy to 3-fold.

"We think this effect is more related to duration of use, rather than dose. The more frequently used, the greater paracetamol side effects, "said Professor Julian Crane, who led the study, quoted from Ninemsn, Monday (29/11/2010).

Prof. Crane also confirmed that these side effects will not necessarily appear in just a few times. Therefore, parents need not worry as long as no excessive use of paracetamol.

Although there is a correlation between paracetamol to asthma risk, it is also the possibility of other factors that influence. Therefore, Prof. Crane supports further research to uncover.

Benefit of Chocolate - Chocolate Making Life More life

Benefit of chocolate - the history of Chocolate | Botanists agree that chocolate or cocoa tree (Theobroma cacao) is grown in the Amazon and Orinoco basin in South America for thousands of years ago. Mayans who first cultivate cacao trees. This habit is also taken when they moved to the plains of Yucatan.
Aztec nation then introduce a bitter chocolate as a beverage. Cocoa beans mixed with corn or grapes that have been fermented and then presented in a cup made of gold. Aztec emperors named Montezuma has a habit of drinking more than 50 cups of chocolate chocolate per day.

The Spanish colonists named Hernán Cortés (1485-1547) when colonized the region at first interested in the gold cup chocolate drink than it is. But he also observed that for the Nation Aztecs, cocoa or chocolate beans are also used as money. Therefore, he immediately set up some cacao plantations.

Plantation known as "brown gold" is growing and the results favored, so that Spain controls trade chocolate in the 18th century. Then the chocolate was introduced to mainland Europe and made a cake mix ingredients.

In the mid-19th century, the Swiss started to develop and market chocolate as a snack. So brown that used only as a drink later evolved into snacks that can melt on the tongue. Switzerland also became famous as the best chocolate producing countries.

Then the smart entrepreneurs like Hershey, Kohler, Lindt, Nestlé, Peter, Suchard and Tobler - "their names became famous chocolate brands today" - makes a major contribution to industrial chocolate. They found the engine more efficient processing of cocoa and chocolate processing methods to find better.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

4 Tips to Avoid Illness | Healthy Tips

4 Tips to Avoid Illness - You're jealous enterprising activity and want to always perform excellent, avoid the disease? Disease such as cough and flu can certainly hamper. Want to know how to keep away from viruses? Easy really, just follow these four simple ledge.

1. Clean hands
Colds and flu can spread easily through touch. Keep your fingers from your eyes, nose, and mouth and be sure to always wash your hands. Soap and water remains the most effective tools available, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention U.S..

Germs can grow on bar soap, so use an antibacterial liquid soap. Wash hands with soap for 20 seconds before rinsing, and make sure hands are completely dry.

2. Relaxation
There are many why take the time to relax it is significant to have a healthy body. Relaxation will boost the immune system of the flu. That may be because, in the long run, leading to produksio stress hormones such as glucocorticoids.

3. Breathe the fresh air
Keep silence in the house will actually make the body more closely with the germs that circulate in the house. Go for a walk can boost your immunity.

4. Sleep
One night staying up after completing the task, it does not matter. But if constantly accustomed to lack of sleep can inhibit your immune system's ability to function.


Rules of Eating Noodles, To Avoid "poison"

Rules of Eating Noodles, To Avoid "poison" | Warm bowl of instant noodles, it's worth the time to accompany bone-chilling cold weather. Increasingly diverse selection of flavors that makes fans of instant noodles never feel bored.

Increasingly diverse selection of flavors that makes fans of instant noodles never feel bored.

Not infrequently, they even combine with various vegetables, corned beef, eggs, until the cheese grated. Delicious aroma and taste that fits, feels pity for the abandoned.

Really instant noodles still need to be avoided for health reasons?

"Manufacture of food safety is assured enough. To my knowledge, they are truly in producing the food, because he did not want to get involved ahead of consumer health issues. Unless we buy yellow noodles in the market that there is no packaging, fear is formalin, "explained Prof. Dr. Ir Ali Khomsan as Professor of the Department of Community Nutrition, Faculty of Human Ecology, Bogor Agricultural University on" The Importance of Early Education Breakfast "by Blue Band and Sari Roti in SD Islam Dian Didaktika, Cinere.

Explained Prof. Ali, spice noodles that trigger various health problems.

"A person can only be poisoned after eating instant noodles 500 packs a day. Instant noodles poisons located on the existing seasoning preservatives. While the husband because of dry, he does not 'innocent', "continued Prof. Ali.

Then, how many times a week someone is still allowed to eat instant noodles?

"If once a day, God willing, baseball still nothing. But we still need food diversity. To be safe, the consumption of instant noodles a week 2 or 3 times, "he concluded.
