Bad lifestyle will make sexual performance to decrease. But on the contrary, maintaining physical and mental health through regular exercise, balanced diet and live a life without stress can actually help solve problems and improve sexual.
1. Vascular net
Clean blood vessels are closely related to one's erection capability. Phaidon said, a man can get an erection when arterial circulation or blood vessels good.
"If you do not clean the blood vessels and circulation is not true, then he can not erect," says Phaidon in a workshop entitled "Anti-Aging Lifestyle" Sunday (27/11/2011) in Jakarta.
Ways to maintain healthy blood vessels is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. To maintain sexual fitness, men have regular exercise, adequate intake of fiber (fruits and vegetables), avoid obesity or overweight, stay away from fatty foods and quit smoking.
2. The hormone testosterone is optimal
Many men do not realize that the levels of testosterone in his body should be consciously maintained. One effective way, said Phaidon, is to regularly eat healthy foods high in fat content.
If you want to choose the fat, then the best option is a source of unsaturated fats, unsaturated fats are single, or double. "Eat healthy fats is one way to make testosterone to optimal," said Phaidon.
Another thing to consider is to reduce the intake of bad fats. The problem is, this fat can influence the formation of the hormone estrogen that too many. If the hormone estrogen is too high, says Phaidon, then the function will decrease testosterone. If so, then it can affect the low levels of libido or sexual desire in a man.
In principle, according to Phaidon, there are two ways to address the low levels of sex hormones in men. "First, stimulated with weight training. Secondly, the provision of natural nutrients that can increase testosterone," he explained.
3. Strong muscles
Sexual activity, continued Phaidon, it makes no difference to the sport. Required strong muscles and breath to have sex with a partner running optimally. Weak physical condition would make sexual activity to be obstructed and be not optimal.
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