The survey done by researchers from the University of Durham assisted a team from the University of Aberdeen and St Andrews this involves about 700 heterosexual respondents who are still in their 20s. One of the key points from the results of this research is young heterosexual men and women turned out to have very different criteria in terms of establishing a relationship or a relationship. The survey results found that men generally prefer women who rate their relationship is always open on the short-term sexual activity. While the woman is the opposite, actually attracted to men who opened the opportunity or the possibility of long-term relationship.
Also revealed that in the eyes of most men, a woman who seemed more open about sex look much more attractive. While men are just looking for a moment in terms of physical relationships are characterized by a more masculine appearance with a square jaw, small eyes and larger nose.
The experts who compiled the study says, many people use the first impression or impressions to quickly make decisions about mate selection and what kind of relationship they want. In research funded by the Medical Research Council and the Economic and Social Research Council, the participants were asked to assess the attractiveness of the opposite sex and temperament types by looking at pictures or photographs of his face.
This assessment is then compared with the behavior and temperament everyday people in the photos are revealed through detailed questions. The results of these experiments found that men and women who took part could generally judge who is more attractive in the short-term romantic relationship with the only way to see expressions and faces.
Many previous studies have shown that people can judge a lot about a person from his face, including on health, or even a character or personality such as introversion. However, this is the first study showing that people are also sensitive to the signs of facial complex of the type of romantic relationships that might be enjoyed by others, said Dr. Ben Jones of the University of Aberdeen's Face Research Lab.
Well for you that will be in a relationship, looking for information such as whether the nature and character of course is very important partner, especially if the relationship will be forged this seriously. So do not let one judge. Could be luck away, instead of failure obtained. []
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