Thursday, April 5, 2012

Implementing a Healthy Lifestyle

Implementing a Healthy Lifestyle | Did you know what is healthy lifestyle? Surely our minds wander and directly perceive the meaning of the word. Most humans are generally argue that: a healthy lifestyle is a lifestyle that makes us healthier and away from the name of disease.

So how did healthy lifestyle it? Surely a healthy lifestyle is a step to make small changes that lead to basics of healthy living. For example: from maintaining a healthy weight, eating fruits and vegetables as an addition to the body of fiber, drinking enough water, exercise regularly and sustainably, maintain and live a clean lifestyle, and much more, for example, follow a healthy lifestyle of the Prophet.

The most fundamental problem that we often encounter in our society, so it generally makes us far from a healthy lifestyle, one of which is: lack of activity or sports body. The thing that makes sports so less general, because we feel overwhelmed and lack of enjoyment of the sport, and was very time-consuming. While many are still less awareness of the importance of exercise.

To be more motivated in the spirit and healthy lifestyle, it is useful to know the benefits of healthy living below:

1. Can reduce stress
2. Reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke
3. Reduce the risk of diabetes
4. Improve the stability of the body
5. Maintain bone mass
6. preventing osteoporosis
7. Increase the brain's memory in older people
8. Increase and keep the mood of anxiety and depression

Well, that's some of the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and many other benefits.

Several studies have found that by losing weight as much as 10% can help people with obesity (overweight) lowers blood pressure and cholesterol. You can Begin healthy life by losing weight as much as 10%. However. If the diet is enough incriminating then my friend can start with little things that a healthy lifestyle.

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