1. Sperm is produced in the testes and it took 10 weeks to mature.
2. Mature sperm can wait up to 2 weeks in the "waiting room" called the epididymis before they debuted. The epididymis is a circular channel located at the very top and back of the testis. Its function is to channel sperm.
3. Sperm only contributes 5 percent of the total volume of seminal fluid. The rest consists of a liquid medium which provides nutrients and protection of sperm so he could travel to the female reproductive tract.
4. Healthy men produce 70-150 million sperm every day.
5. Sperm can live up to 5 days in the womb. This explains why someone can get pregnant a few days after ovulation (release of egg cells).
6. Y sperm, which would produce a baby boy, swim faster than X sperm, which will produce a baby girl. Y chromosome is smaller and has less genetic material than X chromosome
7. Human sperm measuring about 55 microns. In comparison, approximately the size of a human hair is 100 microns.
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