"Because the transmission went on, and testing services to more evenly, making it easier to find out if HIV positive," he said in a discussion in Jakarta on Sunday (12/12/2010).
Therefore, early HIV prevention is needed, said Samsuridjal. One of them with HIV recognize and mode of transmission. "The most important to provide themselves, prevent. For that we need all the community members either women, men, know how transmission and avoid," he said.
Early on, each must get healthy to prevent HIV. For example, by not using a shared toothbrush or use the shaving mustache together with other people.
Also by introducing early to youth about healthy lifestyles, including sexual life. The number of AIDS cases according to Health Ministry data at the end of September reached 22,726 cases with 17,576 of them or 79 percent is productive ages, 15-39 years old. While the number of people with HIV/AIDS in 2009 reached 298,000 with 25 percent of whom are women.
According Samsuridjal, most HIV-positive women infected her husband. "At the RSCM, 82 percent of women infected with her husband. Only 18 percent of other reasons," he said.
The HIV virus can be transmitted through sexual contact, sharing needles together, pregnant mother to her baby, or a blood transfusion. "But since 1992 the blood of the PMI was discreening, so forget that one," added Samsuridjal.
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