that can strike any person, whether mild or severe. But for the people of Indonesia, high cholesterol and loss of vision are the two most feared threat of disease 5 years.
This is based on survey results of Health and Welfare of Indonesia or Philips Index for Health and Wellbeing 2010, which was simultaneously conducted in 30 countries around the world. Besides Indonesia, the survey was also conducted among others in Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, South Korea, Belgium and Australia.
The survey results indicate that cholesterol and lose the power of vision problems or blindness was seen as a major threat to public health in the next five years.
"Changes in lifestyle may be one factor decreased vision in the human eye. Ironically, many Indonesian people who do not realize this, so the decline in the ability of vision to be a veiled threat to the people of Indonesia," said Dr. Rini Mahendrastari Singgih, SPM, Paed.Opthal from Indonesia Mahendra Eye Clinic, in the event Press Conference Indonesia Health & Wellbeing Index, at the Hotel Nikko, Jakarta, Tuesday (12/14/2010).
Another threat is feared after high cholesterol and lose the power of vision is a stroke, influenza, arthritis, cancer and heart attacks.
A survey conducted of 1,000 respondents in all cities in Indonesia also shows that 46 percent of Indonesia felt himself to be healthy and fine, so that 75 percent of respondents considered not need a doctor, even 55 percent of respondents admitted to not seek medical illness doctor.
The survey results also revealed that 4 out of 10 Indonesian men tend to seek the advice of friends and family first before visiting the doctor when sick.
Indonesia is classified as 'technology literate' and have a high enough Internet users in the world, but in fact use the Internet as a reference source of health information is still relatively low. However, respondents agreed that technology can bring change for the better for life.
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