Every day trillions of free radicals attack our cells from air pollution, cigarettes, chemicals in foods and beverages, fatty foods, stress and exposure to sunlight (UV).
Free radicals are molecules very dangerous because the electrons do not have a partner. He is looking for a partner to take electrons from other cells that form a chain reaction that produces a new free radicals.
Furthermore, there was tissue damage that accelerates the aging process, including the skin, examples of the effect on the skin such as dull skin, blemishes, wrinkles, dsb.
2. Decreased Collagen
Decreased collagen due to aging that cause skin to become thin and reduced elasticity. At the age of 25-35 years a person will lose collagen, 1.5% per year.
Research shows smoking can also accelerate the reduction of collagen as much as 40.1% faster.
3. Cosmetics and Skin Care Ingredients
The use of cosmetics and skin care products that do not pay attention to the composition of security could result in fatal damage to the skin. This raises the residue that settles on the bottom layer of skin and kidneys, which can cause skin damage gradually without noticing.
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